Posted by DrFeelgoodWA on 10/03/07 16:48
"Harlan Messinger" <hmessinger.removethis@comcast.net> wrote in
message news:5mhujfFdn2n9U2@mid.individual.net...
> DrFeelgoodWA wrote:
>> "Harlan Messinger" <hmessinger.removethis@comcast.net> wrote in
>> message news:5mhoamFdjesuU1@mid.individual.net...
>>> Robert Maas, see http://tinyurl.com/uh3t wrote:
>>>> Their Web site for applying for employment is inaccessible to
>>>> low-income disabled people who are most in need of jobs.
>>>> Is there any lawyer in the audience who will help me sue them?
>>> Re the Target lawsuit on this subject:
>>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071003/ts_nm/target_blind_dc_3
>> What does blind people shopping from target.com got to do with some
>> jackass wanting to sue Toys R Us for not making their website job
>> application understandable to idiots that have IQ's in the sub
>> human range?
>> As pointed out several times already. The OP never mentioned what
>> his disability is.
> Right. But there isn't a separate law for each disability.
>> You on the other hand, seem to suffer from terminal stupidity.
> Because I understand the issues I'm talking about?
Because you refuse to even try to understand. You are stuck on blind
shoppers while the OP is hunting lawyers for a frivolous lawsuit. Job
applications on one retail website have zero to do with shopping from
a different retail website.
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