Posted by Harlan Messinger on 10/03/07 17:17
DrFeelgoodWA wrote:
> "Harlan Messinger" <hmessinger.removethis@comcast.net> wrote in
> message news:5mhvn3Fdlk5tU1@mid.individual.net...
>> DrFeelgoodWA wrote:
>>> "Harlan Messinger" <hmessinger.removethis@comcast.net> wrote in
>>> message news:5mhujfFdn2n9U2@mid.individual.net...
>>>> DrFeelgoodWA wrote:
>>>>> You on the other hand, seem to suffer from terminal stupidity.
>>>> Because I understand the issues I'm talking about?
>>> Because you refuse to even try to understand. You are stuck on
>>> blind shoppers while the OP is hunting lawyers for a frivolous
>>> lawsuit. Job applications on one retail website have zero to do
>>> with shopping from a different retail website.
>> Sorry, you're the one who isn't understanding. I already explained
>> what, in legal terms, one has to do with the other. You're more
>> interested in expressing your anger and your view on How Things
>> Should Work than in understanding the details about how this kind of
>> thing *does* work.
> What is your bar number? Unless you are a practicing lawyer you are
> just giving your slanted opinion of what you think the law says.
That's like saying that unless I'm a licensed electrician I don't know
the difference between the hot, neutral, and ground wires.
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