Posted by Steve on 10/03/07 13:34
"Onideus Mad Hatter" <usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote in message
> On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 00:54:37 -0500, "Steve" <no.one@example.com> wrote:
>>"Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
>>> FrozenNorth wrote:
>>>> Onideus Mad Hatter took a can of maroon spray paint on October 2, 2007
>>>> 05:20
>>>> pm and wrote the following:
>>>>> It should probably also be noted that quite a number of employers will
>>>>> use little things like that as tests, to see if you really know yer
>>>>> stuff or not. Any competent developer would know not to capitalize
>>>>> the word in a conversation that includes all ECMAscript types, only a
>>>>> bumbling amateur college flunkie wouldn't know.
>>>> So how was the conversation about JavaScript/javascript when you
>>>> interviewed
>>>> for a job at WallyWorld?
>>> Right over his head... :-)
>>and out the window...followed by the job opportunity as well. (plus, it
>>really freaks people out to see grown men in diapers)
> You having first hand experience, eh diaper bitch?
yeah, i think the last time i wore one though as when i was about 3. it's
when they get to age 27 and do wear them to satisfy a fettish that people
get really leery. that probably explains your employers being dq and
again, where do you get 'professional' programming experience? i love how
half of your site (back-orifice-productions...aka, 'shit') explains it's
lack of function with either "coming soon", "under development", or "busy,
busy, busy"...especially given how long you've had it up saying how great it
is. it's also amusing how you have *no* clients and that your only example
is one you made up...involving none other than (drum roll),
care-fucking-bears. ROFLMAO !!!
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