Posted by Harlan Messinger on 10/04/07 12:12
Robert Maas, see http://tinyurl.com/uh3t wrote:
>>> Their Web site for applying for employment is inaccessible to
>>> low-income disabled people who are most in need of jobs.
>>> Is there any lawyer in the audience who will help me sue them?
>> From: Harlan Messinger <hmessinger.removet...@comcast.net>
>> Re the Target lawsuit on this subject:
>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071003/ts_nm/target_blind_dc_3
> Ah, thanks! So first I did a Google search for Target Stores, and
> checked whether their Web pages worked from here:
> store locator - works fine, showed store 2 blocks from here, and
> store several miles from here, and I stopped looking at that point
> because I was satisfied.
> Welcome to Target <http://www.target.com/> - looks ok, although
> I had nothing specific to do there so I didn't test it fully.
> http://target.com/careers/ - Completely broken. All I see is:
> [javascript_disabled]
Well, you *could* enable Javascript. One principle that seems to be
attached to the accessibility guidelines is that authors are permitted
to take existing technology into consideration, so they don't have to
assume, for example, that blind people are using Lynx, since they *can*
avail themselves of Internet Explorer. I don't know all the details, but
I do know that Javascript on a site I oversee has passed muster with the
508 reviewers at the agency in question, except for a couple of details
which they had us fix.
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