Posted by J.O. Aho on 10/05/07 04:32
Brian wrote:
> The 2 main tables are "orders" and "productslist" The orders table has
> 7000000 (yes that is 6 million) records and the productslist has 6000, all
> search fields have been indexed, the whole DB have 25 tables
> The users select the search criteria, summits the form and the below PHP
> code it run , it can take upwards of 20 mins to return the results. So my
> question is, is there anything wrong with my code or the way I and running
> this, or have I just hit the limit of MySQL
You could skip the join, this means you won't get the product description, you
could query this separately (store each fetched in an array, that way you can
limit refetching a description you already fetched.)
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