Posted by shror on 10/05/07 18:29
On Oct 4, 1:39 pm, James Barrett <xuc...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> shror wrote:
> > I want to create a counter for free to my users, so that anybody could
> > generate a small piece of code and add it to his website and by this
> > way they run their own counters for free
> > is there a simple way or a ready made php script that could do this.
> > If anybody could tell me how to do it or the steps will be really
> > appreciated.
> > shror
> I wrote a counter in php that counts unique ip addresses. Probably more
> complicated that you are looking for, but still only a few lines of
> code. You need a way to maintain persistent data on the server. The most
> popular way to do that with php is to use a MySQL table.
> Good luck,
> Jim
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> jENpBQoBQ0kfCqtkfe3dr4A=
> =dn9k
Thank you for your help and to be much more clearer in my question,
what I want to do is that I want to provide anybody who have a website
a small counter to use on his website that the source of the cunter is
on my hosting area and just what the other websites have is a
javascript that calls a small text file located on my area to add
counts so that the users will be using a service offered for free by
my website, like the freecounters offered by the websites to anybody,
but what I want is just very simple way without registration or
anything, just copy and paste a small piece of code.
Thanks for your help in all ways.
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