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Re: Comment forms and spamming

Posted by Puckdropper on 10/16/07 21:41

"Rik Wasmus" <> wrote in

> On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 20:41:59 +0200, Mike <>
> wrote:
>> I've created a form on a web site that asks for users comments. I am
>> not asking anyone to register or login but I do ask them for an email
>> address which is then checked for existence. After a few weeks I
>> noticed lots of bogus advertising/spam comments from bogus Ids.
>> I tried checking to see if the HTTP_REFERER was from my site before
>> allowing the PHP code to update the MySQL tables but that didn't seem
>> to work.
>> Are there any tricks to stopping this kind of behavior?
> Captcha

There are some simple variations such as picture CAPTCHAs where you have
to select all the cats, or all the questions improperly posted to
c.l.php. (Of these 3 questions, which one does not belong on c.l.php?)

Wise is the man who attempts to answer his question before asking it.

To email me directly, send a message to puckdropper (at)



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