Posted by Travis Newbury on 10/23/07 09:25
On Oct 22, 8:16 am, "K." <halinaciern...@poczta.onet.pl> wrote:
> Hello!I have a question to you...
> I cheet my page because I use above code only to make my
> page downloading flash player if it is necessary.
Just put a statement on your page that you require a specific version
of Flash. Most Flash people publish to the default version. This is
usually a mistake. You publish to the version you NEED. In most
cases this is Flash 7. You will find that more times than not, this
player is already installed on the visitors computer.
The reason you don't version check and auto update, but rather have a
statement and link to upgrade is because the version checking and auto
upgrade crap will not work in may cases. For example the auto upgrade
is useless on anything but IE. So since it will not work on 20-30% of
your visitors why bother? You have to put the upgrade notice and link
Also, if you want to validate read this:
We use this almost all the time. And with properly created Flash, the
problem of waiting for it to download is virtually eliminated. When
ever I see one of those "loading" things in Flash I think to my self
what novices the Flash developers are.
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