Posted by Rik Wasmus on 10/27/07 21:50
On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 23:44:56 +0200, leonardodiserpierodavinci@gmail.com =
<leonardodiserpierodavinci@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi. Sorry for what is perhaps a neophyte question: is it possible to
> pass a variable to a PHP script from inside another PHP piece of code?=
> For instance, the file test.php (which of course resides on a
> webserver that supports PHP) is as such:
> [some HTML code...]
> <?php
> echo("<i>the variable abc contains " . $_GET['abc'] . "</i>");
> ?>
> [some more HTML code...]
> and if I open this file directly i.e. by typing test.php?abc=3D888 in
> the URL line of a web browser, I correctly get the message "the
> variable abc contains 888" in italic, surrounded by the HTML content.
> Now, let's say that I want to include all this content in another
> file, index.php.
> I tried to call it as such in index.php
> [other HTML...]
> <?php
> include "test.php?abc=3D888";
> ?>
> [yet other HTML...]
> which is not the correct way as it gives the following error:
> Warning: main(l/test.php?abc=3D888) [function.main]: failed to open
> stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/index.php on line 52
> Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening 'l/test.php?
> abc=3D888' for inclusion (include_path=3D'.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/=
> pear') in /home/www/index.php on line 52
> How should I call the file?
> Thanks in advance for any hint!
The $_GET array is available to all scipts, _provided_ you use the file =
system to include the file, and not by http some newcomers seem to do. S=
$check =3D 'hello';
include './include.php';
echo $check;
... will correctly show the $_GET array and the $check variable.
-- =
Rik Wasmus
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