Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/01/07 11:24
Steve wrote:
> "Good Man" <heyho@letsgo.com> wrote in message
> news:Xns99DA9F95284D5sonicyouth@
>> Pupkin <spamagnet@dorrk.com> wrote in news:MPG.21926fd8833b9cbb9897e5
>> @news.giganews.com:
>>> Hi,
>>> If I'm using fwrite to append text to a file, is it possible to set the
>>> pointer to a specific line # at which to insert the text, rather than
>>> the beginning or end of the file?
>>> Thanks.
>> the easiest way would be something along the lines of:
>> 1) fread your source file into a variable
>> 2) fopen a new file for writing
>> 3) go through your source file line-by-line using a loop
>> 4) for each line you read, fwrite it to your new file (keeping an eye out
>> for the line number you want to change... when you find it, change it and
>> write it to your new file)
>> 5) close the files
> which is about the most un-informed and stupid suggestion from you this
> week - i have to quantify/qualify that remark since you are wont to such
> inanity.
> both the op AND you should RTFM !!!
>> your source file remains unchanged (delete it if you want) and you have a
>> new file that you can use.... and of course you can just copy/rename this
>> new file to have the same one as your old one, so that it's next up for
>> reading/editing.
> which sounds like a bunch of justification for the load of shit you just
> tried to pawn off on the op!
You should learn to understand how programs work. Good Man's
recommendation is correct.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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