Posted by Chaddy2222 on 11/06/07 15:58
On Nov 7, 2:39 am, "Beauregard T. Shagnasty"
<a.nony.m...@example.invalid> wrote:
> Ed Jensen wrote:
> > Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
> >> You need to sharpen your chisel.
> > You need to provide reasoned arguments instead of sound bites.
> I am puzzled why you think (and apparently need justification) that web
> authoring tools, be they CSS or tables or whatever, should be at fault
> when an author is not skilled enough to use them.
> There are good sites and bad sites using *all* the technologies
> available to us. Just because *you* do not know how to make a good site
> with CSS, is certainly no reason to blame the tool.
> Do some research; read tutorials and books; and stop blaming something
> else on your own inadequacies.
> Any further response from you on this subject shall be placed in the
> moot (or troll) category.
I think it's a case of him not understanding the facts about graphic
design hacks who try their hand at web design.
Read my reply to him and his to my post.
Regards Chad. http://freewebdesign.awardspace.biz
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