Posted by Ed Jensen on 11/06/07 19:31
Beauregard T. Shagnasty <a.nony.mous@example.invalid> wrote:
> I am puzzled why you think (and apparently need justification) that web
> authoring tools, be they CSS or tables or whatever, should be at fault
> when an author is not skilled enough to use them.
You're not comprehending what I've been saying. Everyone else seems
to understand, even if they don't agree. I suggest you go back and
re-read what I've written carefully.
> There are good sites and bad sites using *all* the technologies
> available to us. Just because *you* do not know how to make a good site
> with CSS, is certainly no reason to blame the tool.
I never claimed to be a web developer, therefore my skill (or lack
thereof) is completely irrelevant, but hopefully insulting me has made
you feel a little better about yourself.
If you re-read my first post on the subject, you'll notice that I
explicity stated that I formed my opinion from the viewpoint of a user
of the web, not as a developer of the web pages/sites.
What I've observed is simple: in general, web pages that use table
driven layouts seem to work much better than web pages that use CSS
driven layouts.
> Do some research; read tutorials and books; and stop blaming something
> else on your own inadequacies.
Are you an asshole in real life too, or just on the Internet?
> Any further response from you on this subject shall be placed in the
> moot (or troll) category.
nyah nyah nyah I can't hear you nyah nyah nyah?
You're pretty pathetic.
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