Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 11/06/07 20:29
Ed Jensen wrote:
> I never claimed to be a web developer, therefore my skill (or lack
> thereof) is completely irrelevant, but hopefully insulting me has
> made you feel a little better about yourself.
> If you re-read my first post on the subject, you'll notice that I
> explicity stated that I formed my opinion from the viewpoint of a
> user of the web, not as a developer of the web pages/sites.
In the first post in this thread that I see from you on my newsserver,
and the one I responded to, you said:
> I've been in the software development field for a long time,
...as have I, since the 70s, so how was I to know that didn't include web
development? It does for me.
> and I've come to realize that when almost everyone is using a tool
> incorrectly, it's almost always because the tool itself is poorly
> designed.
> If almost everyone is getting their CSS based layouts wrong, something
> is probably wrong with CSS based layout technology in general.
It is still simply a matter of knowledge/training/ability/mindset of the
developer, and not the fault of the tool. As already mentioned, there
are just as many bad table-layout sites as there are CSS-layout sites.
-Motorcycles defy gravity; cars just suck
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