Posted by jamesgoode on 11/08/07 07:12
On Nov 8, 5:02 am, lawrence k <lkrub...@geocities.com> wrote:
> This site was working:
> http://www.thesecondroad.org/
> Now I'm told people are unable to create new accounts or log in.
> One theory: It seems that cookies are not being set. Our beta testers
> missed this bug, because the code was working at some point, and so
> cookies got set to the computers of the beta testers. I have no
> problem logging in, nor does anyone on my team have any trouble.
> Another theory: the above theory can't be right, because if I erase
> all my cookies and start over, I still have no trouble going to the
> site and logging in. Tonight I'm using FireFox on a Mac, but I've
> tested the site on Windows, Linux and Macs, using FireFox, IE 6 and 7,
> Safari and Opera. Everything works for me. The people who can't log
> seem to all be on Windows machines. Could there be a problem specific
> to Windows?
> Another theory: there is white space at the top of some pages, which
> keeps cookies from being set. I've told the graphic designers that
> this is good:
> <?php
> and this is bad:
> <?php
> that first white space, at the top of the page, will kill the
> possibility of setting a cookie. However, like I said, it seems
> cookies are being set on my machine. And we've looked for white space
> at the top of the pages and we have not found any.
> Here is the code where I set the cookie:
> $machineId = $_COOKIE["machineId"];
> if (!$machineId) {
> if (!headers_sent()) {
> $machineId = md5(uniqid(rand()));
> $success = setcookie("machineId", $machineId,
> time() + 10000000);
> } else {
> $controller->error("In logPageVisit() we
> wanted to set a machine id but the headers were already sent.");
> }
> }
> Anyone see any problem with that?
> As to the folks running Windows, I've asked them to turn off
> firewalls, and lower their security settings to the lowest possible
> levels. They still can't log in. The problem effects both IE and
> FireFox.
> Any thoughts about where I should look for trouble?
Hi Lawrence,
I'd check that the PHP files are all ANSI - there are some problems
with other formats that stop cookies working.
Hope this helps,
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