Posted by AnrDaemon on 11/11/07 21:39
Greetings, Jerry Stuckle.
In reply to Your message dated Sunday, November 11, 2007, 17:05:47,
> Why complicate things by putting SQL statements in a different file
> where you can't see them?
It may be not that clear for You, but I actually support one project
runned on 2 different databases at the same time. (MySQL and MS SQL server)
And that schema was found better in all cases.
> And why go to all that hassle when you can
> use ANSI-compliant SQL and have it work on virtually every database
> (except MS Access)? Complicates things unnecessarily, IMHO.
Well, can You translate cross-databse reference like [db1].[dbo].[table1] ?
> There has been nothing in this thread which is non-ANSWI SQL - except
> for the use of a reserved word in a column name.
I know.
Sincerely Yours, AnrDaemon <anrdaemon@freemail.ru>
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