Posted by CJS on 11/15/07 09:44
"nolo contendere" <simon.chao@fmr.com> wrote in message
> On Nov 14, 2:33 pm, "CJS" <a...@anon.com> wrote:
>> Hi, I have a javascript popup which I want to happen BEFORE the rest of
>> the
>> page loads. It's something for people to read while quite a heavy page
>> loads behind it.
>> I tried using 'onbeforeload' instead of 'onload' in the Body tag, but it
>> doesn't pop up at all then.
> I didn't see such an event. But what are you trying to accomplish?
> Perhaps there is a way to do what you require via another path.
Simply what I want to accomplish is the popup to come up *first* befoer any
other page elements load. It is complicated as to why, and other factors,
but that is what needs to happen.
The onload tag seems to open happen after the page has finished loading
completely, which is odd.
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