Posted by Julien on 11/15/07 23:53
On Nov 16, 12:16 am, "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4...@centralva.net>
> Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> > Julien wrote:
> >> Is this possible with Firefox 2 : creating a multi-row HTML button ?
> >> This works with MSIE (versions 6 and 7, and maybe others) :
> >> <input id='btn_CreateProducts' type='submit' value='Create
> >> \rproducts' />"
> > <input id="btn_CreateProducts" type="submit" value="Create products"
> > style="width: 5em; white-space: normal;">
> Note: that above only works in Gecko by my testing. '\r' did not work in
> any version of MSIE though, not sure how you accomplished it.
When posting my question, I forgot that this HTML code was written
dynamically by a server side program.
In this progam's language, \r in a string means "carriage
return" (CR). So, it was replaced by a real carriage return in the
button and worked with MSIE.
text$ = "<input id='btn_CreateProducts' type='submit' value='Create
\rproduct' disabled />"
As in Unix file format, the text file format use the line feed char
(LF) to make new lines, I should try to add a "LF" char after my CR.
Maybe then, it will work also with Firefox. I'll try
On the contrary, I don't have much hope that 
 (CR) and 

(LF) will work for a button as these are HTML/XTHML character
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