Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 11/17/07 13:17
Mika wrote:
> "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote in message
> news:c8599$473e469c$40cba7c2$7127@NAXS.COM...
>> Mika wrote:
>> idea relates to caching; who knows, maybe it'll make a difference.
>>> That does work http://tinyurl.com/324enb so the theory is sound BUT the
>>> problem is php does to work correctly with our Google Maps integration,
>>> and also we use SSI such as <!--#include virtual="/_borders/top.htm"-->
>>> which is why we need shtml.
>> Ah but you can easily convert that to php like this:
>> <?php include_once("/_borders/top.htm"); ?>
>> and forego the SSI
> That would be great, but our map code is still thrown completely off by
> using php. If you try to walk along the street, the map walks the wrong
> way, the man does not appear, etc. It looks like we need a solution that
> works with shtml. Perhaps changing the doctype?
Oh that site...I remember a what was it a couple of year ago...
Well if there was ever a concept not conducive to html, this is it! What
you really want is Flash, (Yes Travis, if he really want to do this
thing Flash would be far better) sand progressively load sections...
Take care,
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