Posted by Mika on 11/18/07 15:15
"Jeff North" <jnorthau@yahoo.com.au> wrote in message
> On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 18:12:37 GMT, in comp.lang.javascript "Mika"
> <anon@anon.com>
> <p4l%i.48642$c_1.38326@text.news.blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
>>| Hello, we understand you guys may be able to help.
>>| We have a page which has been working great for over a year and gets
>>| hits. However recently something got changed that we cannot seem to
>>| and now *sometimes* if you refresh the page (generally while it is still
>>| loading) in IE7, we get the popup window error:
>>| Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site...
>>| Operation aborted
>>| Here is an example of the page in question:
>>| http://tinyurl.com/35mwxr [broadband recommended]
>>| We appreciate you may have other comments on the site such as the size
>>| the pages, however we are not looking to change that at present, with
>>| broadband becoming more abundant. Search engine listings alert the user
>>| that broadband is recommended for this technology.
>>| As we said, the site worked great, but for this unknown reason now needs
>>| some sort of a tweak to fix. The changes we made before it happened
>>| related to the body tag but they have been completely undone yet the
>>| remains :-S
>>| Thanks in advance to anyone able to find the cure for us to test.
> I'd fix up the errors/warnings within the html first.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Result: 0 errors / 139 warnings
> line 8 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
> line 10 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
> line 11 column 1 - Warning: <link> element not empty or not closed
> line 14 column 1 - Warning: <link> element not empty or not closed
> line 20 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
> line 27 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
> line 30 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected <head>
> line 31 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
> line 49 column 6 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 51 column 6 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 63 column 11 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 68 column 9 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 72 column 9 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 88 column 11 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 93 column 9 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 97 column 9 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 113 column 11 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 118 column 9 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 122 column 9 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 131 column 6 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 221 column 6 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 227 column 78 - Warning: <font> unexpected or duplicate quote
> mark
> line 227 column 78 - Warning: <font> unexpected or duplicate quote
> mark
> line 227 column 78 - Warning: <font> dropping value "#FFFFFF" for
> repeated attribute "color"
> line 227 column 6 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 238 column 77 - Warning: <font> unexpected or duplicate quote
> mark
> line 238 column 77 - Warning: <font> unexpected or duplicate quote
> mark
> line 238 column 77 - Warning: <font> dropping value "#FFFFFF" for
> repeated attribute "color"
> line 238 column 6 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 243 column 6 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 247 column 82 - Warning: <font> unexpected or duplicate quote
> mark
> line 247 column 82 - Warning: <font> unexpected or duplicate quote
> mark
> line 247 column 6 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 254 column 67 - Warning: <font> unexpected or duplicate quote
> mark
> line 254 column 67 - Warning: <font> unexpected or duplicate quote
> mark
> line 254 column 67 - Warning: <font> dropping value "#FFFFFF" for
> repeated attribute "color"
> line 266 column 3 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 267 column 3 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 268 column 3 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 269 column 3 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 303 column 1 - Warning: </head> isn't allowed in <body> elements
> line 36 column 1 - Info: <body> previously mentioned
> line 305 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected <body>
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 309 column 4 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed
> line 311 column 14 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 355 column 4 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 359 column 4 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 380 column 5 - Warning: missing </span> before <p>
> line 382 column 77 - Warning: inserting implicit <span>
> line 383 column 5 - Warning: discarding unexpected </span>
> line 385 column 5 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 406 column 6 - Warning: <embed> is not approved by W3C
> line 406 column 6 - Warning: <embed> element not empty or not closed
> line 412 column 5 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 417 column 5 - Warning: <td> dropping value "326" for repeated
> attribute "height"
> line 426 column 7 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 430 column 7 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 435 column 7 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 439 column 7 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 447 column 7 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 451 column 7 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 457 column 7 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 461 column 7 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 470 column 7 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 474 column 7 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 481 column 7 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 485 column 7 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 501 column 3 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 578 column 78 - Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here
> line 583 column 53 - Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here
> line 588 column 53 - Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 595 column 1 - Warning: <head> isn't allowed in <body> elements
> line 36 column 1 - Info: <body> previously mentioned
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 596 column 1 - Warning: <meta> isn't allowed in <body> elements
> line 36 column 1 - Info: <body> previously mentioned
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 597 column 1 - Warning: <link> isn't allowed in <body> elements
> line 36 column 1 - Info: <body> previously mentioned
> line 597 column 1 - Warning: <link> element not empty or not closed
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 598 column 1 - Warning: </head> isn't allowed in <body> elements
> line 36 column 1 - Info: <body> previously mentioned
> line 600 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected <body>
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 602 column 59 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 606 column 3 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 607 column 3 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 608 column 3 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 609 column 3 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 637 column 4 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 643 column 4 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 647 column 4 - Warning: <img> element not empty or not closed
> line 36 column 1 - Warning: content occurs after end of body
> line 46 column 4 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 54 column 7 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 58 column 9 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 79 column 7 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 83 column 9 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 104 column 7 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 108 column 9 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 136 column 6 - Warning: <script> inserting "type" attribute
> line 227 column 6 - Warning: <img> proprietary attribute value
> "absmiddle"
> line 227 column 78 - Warning: <font> attribute "color" has invalid
> value "#FFFFFF""
> line 238 column 6 - Warning: <img> proprietary attribute value
> "absmiddle"
> line 238 column 77 - Warning: <font> attribute "color" has invalid
> value "#FFFFFF""
> line 243 column 6 - Warning: <img> proprietary attribute value
> "absmiddle"
> line 243 column 6 - Warning: <img> attribute "height" has invalid
> value "14/"
> line 247 column 6 - Warning: <img> proprietary attribute value
> "absmiddle"
> line 247 column 6 - Warning: <img> attribute "height" has invalid
> value "16/"
> line 247 column 82 - Warning: <font> attribute "color" has invalid
> value "#FFFFFF""
> line 254 column 67 - Warning: <font> attribute "color" has invalid
> value "#FFFFFF""
> line 308 column 19 - Warning: <font> attribute "size" has invalid
> value "20px"
> line 314 column 2 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 317 column 4 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 320 column 6 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute
> "bordercolor"
> line 322 column 8 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"
> line 370 column 3 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 415 column 3 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute
> "background"
> line 415 column 3 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 417 column 5 - Warning: <td> attribute "height" lacks value
> line 417 column 5 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "padding"
> line 423 column 5 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 432 column 7 - Warning: <iframe> proprietary attribute "border"
> line 444 column 5 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 467 column 5 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 477 column 7 - Warning: <iframe> proprietary attribute "border"
> line 477 column 7 - Warning: <iframe> proprietary attribute "target"
> line 605 column 2 - Warning: <div> anchor "layer1" already defined
> line 631 column 2 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
> line 643 column 4 - Warning: <img> proprietary attribute value
> "texttop"
> line 41 column 85 - Warning: trimming empty <font>
> line 247 column 176 - Warning: trimming empty <span>
> Info: Doctype given is "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
> Info: Document content looks like HTML Proprietary
Thanks. There are no "errors" that we know of or can see, although there
are some warnings which do not affect the end result so can be ignored.
However can you suggest what the correct Doctype string should be if not the
current one?:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
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