Posted by Bone Ur on 11/23/07 16:34
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 14:49:36
GMT Jonathan N. Little scribed:
>>> Well I use WS_FTP Pro which has folder view, drag n drop FTPing. I
>>> had FireFTP installed a while back, I thought it was similar with
>>> folder view. Don't remember.
>> One of these days I'll check out ws_ftp (if there's a shareware one.)
>> I have FileZilla on the other box and it's okay but not as easy
>> normal drag- and-drop.
> Only freeware one was WS_FTP LE 5.08 I used it for years, but won a
> free full Pro copy awhile back in one of their website design
> contests. They don't offer a freeware one any more, and only have a
> 30-day crippleware
> one. I never would have bought one when the freeware one was so
> good.
> I guess Ipswitch caught on! You have to find "ws_ftple508.exe" in
> software repositories to get the freeware, or email me and I'll email
> you an archived copy that I have.
Got it (just now) - from Estonia no less! (I think Estonia is the place
where all the banished Italians ended up, except Luigi.) I want to install
the file on my other computer, though, where I don't have the security and
confidence which comes with ie6...
Thanks for the tip.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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