Posted by Chris F.A. Johnson on 11/25/07 22:07
On 2007-11-25, Mika wrote:
> "Sherman Pendley" <spamtrap@dot-app.org> wrote in message
> news:m1prxzmrjq.fsf@dot-app.org...
>> "Mika" <anon@anon.com> writes:
>>> "Andy Dingley" <dingbat@codesmiths.com> wrote in message
>>> news:5j7gk39ii2vn1b4naoc3ql49a21rhfgkei@4ax.com...
>>>> On Sat, 24 Nov 2007 09:21:13 GMT, "Mika" <anon@anon.com> wrote:
>>>> Possibly the nastiest page in many a long day.
>>> Thanks. That explains all the great reviews posted on our home page. We
>>> appreciate it isn't how you would do it, but it is at least unique and
>>> inventive.
>> Speaking as a customer, I'm not looking for "unique and inventive" web
>> design when I'm doing my online shopping. I'm a web geek, and I'm not
>> against such things in general. I enjoy many entertainment, music, comics
>> and "concept" sites that are loaded with stuff like that - indeed, being
>> entertained by a unique and inventive design is sometimes the point of an
>> entire site.
>> But the point of a shopping site is different. A shopping site should be
>> concerned with making it as easy as possible for the customer to find what
>> they want and spend their money. The goal of *your* shopping site appears
>> to be just the opposite, to make it as difficult as possible.
>> So tell me - as a customer, what motivation do I have to enable
>> VirusScript,
>> wait for minutes for each of your pages to load, and turn off my preferred
>> music, just for the privilege of shopping at your site? Why shouldn't I
>> just
>> go to Amazon.com instead, which loads quickly, works without VirusScript,
>> and remains blissfully silent?
> To answer your question:
> Don't you find search engines rather clinical?
> All that text doesn't exactly stimulate the senses.
Why would I expect (or want) sensual stimulation from a search
> We believe Internet shopping should be a rich user experience, and
> that is what we deliver -- the sights & sounds of real world
> shopping, minus the hassle.
Luckily, I didn't hear any sound on your site; if I had, the URL would
very quickly be redirected to
> (And if you can't see the big speaker button to turn the sound off that's
> right above the streetscape, maybe you need to visit the opticians on Oxford
> Street ;) )
There is no speaker button ... oh, it's in the flash ... [turn on
flash] ... That's big? You must be using a very low resolution
Chris F.A. Johnson, webmaster <http://Woodbine-Gerrard.com>
Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
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