Posted by Blinky the Shark on 11/27/07 17:52
Bone Ur wrote:
> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:42:41
> GMT Blinky the Shark scribed:
>>>>> Only if Bush says so.
>>>> I don't do politics.
>>> Um, what _do_ you do?
>> Swim. Eat. Look back with satifaction on evolution. We covered
>> that.
> I meant in a professional capacity. Or are you a confirmed amateur?
I don't do politics at any level. Professionally, I'm a TV cameraman.
>> Speaking of superior, a Canadian buddy sent me (a USan) this a long
>> time ago, eh?
>> http://blinkynet.net/stuff/ontop.jpg
> Canadians always try harder because most of the world forgets they're
> there. Not long ago I was vacationing in Terra del Fuego and asked for
> some Canadian beer at the resort bar. The bartender hesitated then
> replied very apologetically, "I'm sorry, sir, we only have bottles."
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