Posted by Ed Mullen on 11/29/07 02:05
Jud McCranie wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Nov 2007 19:38:34 -0500, Ed Mullen <ed@edmullen.net> wrote:
>> Depends on what you mean by "standard."
> I meant "adhering to standards" rather than being widespread (i.e. a
> de facto standard).
Then, no, IE is decidedly not standard. It is an amalgam of proprietary
implementations of standards rendering them incompatible with the
standards. And, it implements many things that do not exist in the
standards and, hence, nothing other than IE can deal with without
extreme work-around programming.
Did that help?
Ed Mullen
One of the great tragedies of life is the murder of a beautiful theory
by a gang of brutal facts. - Benjamin Franklin
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