Posted by Shelly on 11/30/07 19:31
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> dorayme wrote:
>> In article <9f8ee$474f9ce4$40cba7b8$5433@NAXS.COM>,
>> "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote:
>>> Shelly: Why don't we stop this guessing game "imagining what your
>>> page might look like" and you post a URL this time? I bet we can
>>> find the solution for you *first* shot.
>> Was just thinking this very thing.
> Yeah I know, and the sad thing is poor Shelly is not alone! I am just
> flabbergasted how many folks appear not to understand either that we
> *cannot* see what is on *their* monitor or that it would be very
> useful *to see it* to find the solution!
I put the file up on my server and stripped it down to just that item. No
problem in IE. So, I went back to the original and starting knocking things
out, section by section. I got down to just that section where the image
was invoked with the id="index-02" inside a div. Also inside that div was
text for a bunch of menu items that went over the image. Still had the
problem with only that. When I removed the text stuff, no problem. OK,
that told me it was in the text stuff. I went in and removed chunks at a
time. All the menu chunks were gone and still there was the problem. That
left only the structure around the text to have caused the problem. Then I
saw it. The web designer had put in a height="58" in a <table>
specification. When I deleted that, the problem was gone.
So, once again, when I tried to prepare a simple file for all of you to help
me with, I found the problem.
Thank you all for your help.
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