Posted by Bone Ur on 12/02/07 07:59
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 19:59:10 GMT
dorayme scribed:
>> > .. I have never ridden a BMW except very briefly a 900S in about 1976
>> > and it was something to die for then...
>> I understand. Was it SilverSmoke or Daytona Orange?
> The former. The thing that stunned me was the smoothness and
> sheer acceleration. Before that, my Triumph would be very much
> quicker and nippier than the cruising BMWs I knew about, the
> Trophy frame was a beautiful handler. But This 900S blew away all
> my preconceptions. I was starting to get the message of a new era
> when all the Jap bikes were coming into Australia (I sort of
> regret never having one of those magnificent Honda 750s...)
Hehe, I had a 750-4 for appx. 3 years sometime in the later '70s. Finally
sold it because a)I wasn't in a particularly warm climate at the time, and
b)I figured I was due to kill myself soon, -very soon.
>> I had a 1974 R90S, serial number ..000058. <g>
>> I still have a 1977 R100RS, number ..000040.
> You are one lucky dog then. Perhaps I should not have seen
> raising a family as a time to give bikes up. To think, I could
> have died *gloriously* on a bend through the magnificent winding
> roads through the forests down near Eden on the south coast of
> NSW when a timber truck comes around from the opposite direction
> leaving almost no room... <g>
Some of the Hondas were nice, but a BMW was _the_ bike. I drove my
friend's a couple of times - dunno what model - and it was a dream.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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