Posted by jeanmarie78 on 12/07/07 14:54
On 30 Nov., 14:04, j.wendelm...@carcopy.com wrote:
> Thanks for your hints. I'll state the result ASAP.
Ok, i dropped the idea with the session storage. After a lot of
research and trial + error i decided to use a DB based storage.
In short words:
A user wants to request a service from a server B, but there's no
direct access to B available/possible/allowed. That's why B provides a
SoapService the has to be accessed by a server A. Server B receives
the Soap-Request from A and writes the affected data together with an
on the fly created token into the database. The token and the URL are
returned to A. A redirects the user via header command to URL, where
the token is send as GET parameter. The script behind the URL
validates the token and resumes the data stored in the database.
Best regards,
der Jens
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