Posted by Otis on 12/08/07 12:44
I have a PHP script which calls another PHP script and for some reason I
cannot recover the array values that I am trying to pass from the first
script to the second script in that 2nd script. I have tried everything.
Passing the array values in a serialized variable, then unserializing
does not work.
Saving the arrays in a SESSION does not work - I do have the
session_start() command as the first thing in both scripts.
Trying to pass the arrays as arrays in the GET command does not work
(chartwheel_2.php?lon=$longitude), where $longitude is my array.
$lon = $_GET["lon"];
does not recover my array values.
BUT, what does work is if I explicitly define my array like this:
$longitude[0] = 179.32;
$longitude[1] = 181.93;
$longitude[2] = 198.96;
then serialize it and pass it over.
Is there something "funny" about arrays that makes them act in any
strange way that I am unaware of?
The only other thing that seems to work is passing each individual array
value over as a separate value in the GET. But I am afraid I will run
out of space using the GET as I have a lot of elements to pass.
I just can't comprehend why I would have to individually pass each
element over and not be able to use serialize or sessions or a straight
GET which passes the whole array at once and not individual elements.
I have spent hours on this, read help files and other notes, and it is
driving me nuts.
Thank you.
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