Posted by Bone Ur on 12/23/07 21:56
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 19:19:47
GMT Steve scribed:
> Ok i am now getting very confused. Initally I was under the opinion
> that then the BR tag was ment to be <br /> to make it W3C compliant.
> But when I use there validator it says it should be <br>.
> So it it correct then that <br /> is actually XML and not HTML?
> If this is the case then I found hundreds of site out there saying
> they are W3C comliant (HTML 4.01) when they actually are not.
> So basically W3C is a load of rubbish as not may are sticking to it?
I think the previous repliers explained it all pretty darn well, but just
to add my 2 drachmas-worth, don't use xhtml, use html 4.01 strict. Hardly
any web author actually needs to use xhtml and most do so simply because
they're pompous.
Avast, Matey!
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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