Posted by John Hosking on 12/24/07 02:47
charles cashion wrote:
> John wrote:
>> Please. I've created a bunch of rules and the spammer just won't go away!
> Thunderbird > Tools > Message Filters does not work.
Fairly surprising. I just tested here and it works for me. I used:
(Match any of the following)
Subject contains MI5
Action: Delete Message
> It does not work for alt.html (this group).
> It does not work for (my provider).
> "Mark Read" does not work.
> "Delete" does not work.
> I suspect it is because I cannot control what exists
> on "".
What would that have to do with it? None of us can control our NSPs
(unless we're running our own news server). The Thunderbird filter works
by just not grabbing the posts that match the conditions you set up.
What filter rules did you try?
Pondering the value of the UIP:
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