Posted by JWS on 12/31/07 10:24
dorayme wrote:
> First about the JS, why not grab the script from my setup. You
> can get it at:
> <http://netweaver.com.au/alt/thumbnailGalleryWithShortCaptions/boo
> tnic7.js>
I did that, and I am now experimenting with it. Many thanks. I
found the thread about this also (http://tinyurl.com/3chdvh).
About "short" vs. "long" captions: the problem is not so much the
length of the captions themselves, but the fact that they may be
of *different* length. For instance, try to make a few captions in
your example page "long". A picture may be "stuck" (refuse to
float to the left) if the picture above and to the left has a
longer caption than the picture directly above. To cure this, it
seems necessary to give all captions the same, sufficient, height,
as per Yucca's recommendation. But this risks wasting screen
space, and the height (even when given in ems) may not be
sufficient after all if the font size is increased.
Maybe javascript can be used to make this "dynamic" also. I'll
start studying javascript anyway, because I would like to
understand bootnic's script (in particular I do not understand the
"!!" operator in the fifth line..).
Regards, Jan
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