Posted by leonski on 07/30/05 04:55
Robert Cummings wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 20:49, leonski wrote:
>>I've practically worn my eyeballs out trying to figure out a problem and
>>in desperation am posting here in the hope for familiar eyes to guide
>>me, so thanks in advance.
>>check out this code section:
>>if (file_exists($imagefile)) {
>> $execstring = escapeshellarg("/usr/local/bin/mogrify ".$imagefile."
> Ummm, looks to me like your escaping the entire command instead of just
> individual arguments. Check if that's your problem.
> Cheers,
> Rob.
I'm getting the same result whether escapeshellarg is there or not :-(
I am a bit suspect that I've missed a compile time directive, as I used
a pre-compiled version of Marc Liyanage (what a dude btw). Maybe the
--bindir directive?
I just don't know enough about it and am having trouble finding docs on
it - any more ideas Robert?
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