Posted by NvrBst on 01/11/08 18:57
On Jan 11, 2:52 am, Sid <el...@nospam.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 11:13:56 +1100, dorayme
> <doraymeRidT...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> : Dearest God Almighty, greatest of all HTML authors, Please make a
> : subscriber who has a complicated question supply a f*ing url.
> : thank you.
> Amen to that.
> Sid
LOL you all act like this is the most complicated question ever...
The first post was 5 sentances with ASCII art! ASCII art is worth
1000 URL links! hehe
Applying the CSS style to the asp:Menu object with the
"float:left;" (Didn't know CSS has a property like this, thanks) works
exactly like I wanted it :) I still had to put *Data1* / *Data2* into
a table (*Data2* needs a background and boarder so it had to be in a
table, I think).
I think jona just mixed up when you were typing (the example you gave
was backwards IE: if left column is rowspaned and a cell in right
column gets lots of data then its not "natural" for left column to
expand... its impossbles for it not too). I do find it slightly
"unnatural" that when the left rowspaned column gets lots of data that
I'm unable to tell which cell is to expand in the right column. I'd
expect all the cells to expand equally, or by default the last cell
only; but what was happening in IE7 was the 1st cell only was
expanding and the last 2 just had their "auto" height. I wanted 3rd
cell in the right column expanding and the first 2 to have the "auto"
height :P
But with the CSS its the way I want it, and more elegant to boot :)
Thank you all for you help.
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