Posted by NvrBst on 01/13/08 20:32
On Jan 13, 5:38 am, "Beauregard T. Shagnasty"
<a.nony.m...@example.invalid> wrote:
Ahh, the data can get very wide because of the number columns
returned. Some of the tables have thousands of cells (The site runs
on an intranet so bandwidth isn't an issue).
I don't know how I'd post the site (I'd need a free server with
ASPX(2.0) support, and the ability to install the COM object on their
computer). I can takes screenshots to post but I don't see how this
data is relevant.
Anyway, baically the column headers usally go something like "Msg / X1
Acks / X2 Acks / X1 N-Acks / X2 N-Acks / Rty 1 / Rty 2 / ... / Rty N /
Dup Msg / Dup Overlap / etc".
Needless to say the tables can get very wide. I was able to reduce my
solution from using 3 tables to just 2 tables (1 table with 2 cells "A
B"). 'A' has the menu, and 'B' has another table in it with two rows
*Data1* / *Data2*. I don't think it'll get more simple than that and
it works exactly as I want it (both 30px data and the 1000px'ish width
data in *Data1*) :)
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