Posted by Richard on 11/12/00 12:00
<bcbrock@gmail.com> wrote in message
>I am trying to figure out how to query some data out of a dbase IV
> (.dbf) file sitting on a remote server from my MySQL/PHP/Web Server.
> Both servers are Windows Server 2003 SP2.
> My MySQL/PHP/Web server is running PHP 4.3.11, MySQL 4.0.24, and
> IIS.
> I have set a system DSN on the remote machine for the directory that
> contains the dbase file. The DSN name is SASIxp, and the actual
> file
> I'm trying to connect to is ADST.DBF.
> I've found several examples of how to connect with other database
> types, and have used those examples in an attempt to connect to my
> dbase IV file, but so far, I'm not having any luck. Instead, I'm
> getting errors like:
> [CODE]Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC dBase
> Driver]
> The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object
> 'ADST.DBF'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name
> and the path name correctly., SQL state S0002 in SQLExecDirect in E:
> \InetPub\wwwroot\posa_test\includes\functions.inc on line
> 4952[/CODE]
> I'm including my sandbox code below, which includes 4 different
> versions of $connection_string, none of which have worked. :(
> Does anybody know of a good tutorial, or have any suggestions? I
> know
> I'm somewhat limited in what I can do with a dbase IV file (if
> anything???), but all I really need is to do a simple lookup; no
> adding, deleting or changing of any records.
> [CODE]
> //$connection_string = 'DRIVER={Microsoft dBase Driver
> (*.dbf)};SERVER=<>;DATABASE=<ADST.DBF>';
> //$connection_string = 'DRIVER={Microsoft dBase Driver
> (*.dbf)};SERVER=<>;DATABASE=<SASIxp>';
> //$connection_string = 'DRIVER={Microsoft dBase Driver
> (*.dbf)};datasource=SASIxp;';
> $connection_string = 'DRIVER={Microsoft dBase Driver (*.dbf)};
> datasource=\\\\sasi_main\\sasixp\\datafile\\ADST.DBF;';
> $user = '';
> $pass = '';
> //$connection = odbc_connect( $connection_string, $user, $pass );
> $odbc = odbc_connect ($connection_string, '', '') or die('Could Not
> Connect to ODBC Database!');
> $strsql= 'SELECT * FROM ADST.DBF';
> $query = odbc_exec($odbc, $strsql) or die (odbc_errormsg());[/CODE]
> Thanks in advance for your assistance!: :)
The ODBC driver probably doesnt like the UNC path, and wants a local
Check google for this.
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