Posted by The Natural Philosopher on 10/24/49 12:00
KDawg44 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am writing a PHP app for a small business (family member owes me
> after this...) but they need to get their box back before I am
> finished. They have a DSL with dynamic ip and I need to be able to
> SSH in to their box, so I need to write a script that i have run as a
> cron job that will email me the current public IP of their DSL modem
> (as it will change). I am not sure the best way to go about this....
> I was hoping someone could give me a suggestion of a PHP script....
> Thanks for any help.
You say cron job - that implies *nix.
Why not write it in shell, and just add a line saying 'mail'
Getting the IP address is trickier: need to interrogate their NAT router.
Thats probably going to be a telnet script or SNMP.
I THINK ther are snmp tools for Linux..
None of this has to do with PHP
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