Posted by John Hosking on 01/20/08 18:44
iamdave wrote:
> On Jan 18, 12:32 pm, Michael Fesser wrote:
> Sorry, my fault. I posted it now. It was just goofy looking and I was
> ashamed to have it up there. It's live now at http://the316band.com/
>>> body{font: 76% arial,sans-serif}
>> 76% will be way too small for many people
> I'm the novice with css and got this template from somewhere on the
> net to get started using css instead of tables. Not sure even what 76%
> is. I increased it to 90% though figuring it needed to be higher.
You were right, but the number is 100%. 90% might be okay for your
copyright text, though.
>> For a navigation bar using an unordered list would make more sense.
> I'll look into that and learn about that also. :-)
> If I may, a couple new questions from a rookie.
> - In Firefox I get a little red line under my links at the bottom of
> the page in the footer section. any way to get rid of those?
The line is there because that's how browsers typically display links.
The underlines are also how people recognise where the links are. Since
you're talking about a menu, it might not confuse anybody to remove the
underlines, but I wouldn't suggest you do it otherwise.
To your a rule you could add the declaration "text-decoration:none;"
(without quotes). But this will affect the other links on your page,
such as those in the sidebar. So consider making a separate ruleset
..footer a { color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:none; }
to come after your .footer and a rule sets.
Then you can (and should) take all the <font> declaraions out of the markup.
> - In both IE and firefox an extra space is created directly before and
> after every hyperlink. Nothing I do seems to move the "extra" space. I
> tried deleting any space which didn't change anything. Still 2 spaces
> before and after hyperlinks.
That'll be the padding:10px; in your CSS for a. Delete that. It'll be:
a {color:#981793; }
This will also clear up the problem I see in FF where only part of the
link is underlined.
> - For some reason in IE sometimes hovering over a link doesn't give
> you the url or little hand showing you it's a hyperlink. But you go
> back to it again it finally will. I see this especially in the footer
> section. It just doesn't seem to like the links very well for some
> reason.
I don't know (although I see that too), but maybe it's because your
footer links are inside a <p> which has a line-height declared. What
happens when you remove that declaration from the p rule, or you change
the links from <p> contents to <ul> list items as Michael suggested?
May I also suggest you consolidate your declations for one element to a
single rule set? So instead of two rules for .footer you get
div#footer {background:#333; color:#FFF; clear:left; width:100%; }.
I also suggest you declare color where you specify background-color, and
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