Posted by flamer die.spam@hotmail.com on 01/23/08 08:07
Hi all, I have a new website im setting up, its a large image archive,
I have it setup to open a folder, go through and for each file in that
folder check a /tn sub-folder for a matching name, if the name doesnt
exist, it means a new image has been added and that a thumbnail should
be made, when thumbnails are made they are stored rather than deleted
(like most gallery software does) this check happens every time a
folder is opened. the problem is performance, this site will have
around 25k images in each folder, on my testing with 800 images in a
folder the scirpt times out 3 times before all the thumbs are made.
the server is fairly decent but it shoots up to 100% cpu usage when
the script is executed.. this is the script i have for making the
thumbs: (i should mentioned for the folders where all thumbs already
exist its very fast so the issue is in this script somewhere)
* i tried turning the quality down from 60 to 6, it still took 40
seconds to generate 137 images totalling 87mb for the fullsize and
165kb for 137 thumbs
function create_thumbnail($infile,$outfile,$maxw,$maxh,$stretch) {
if (!preg_match('%\\A/webdir/galleries/[\\wa-z]/[\\wa-z0-9]*/[\\wa-
z0-9]*\\.jpg\\z%i', $infile))
// if we keep file names sane, then nothing should ever happen here
else {
if (!is_file($infile)) {
return FALSE;
$functions = array(
'image/png' => 'ImageCreateFromPng',
'image/jpeg' => 'ImageCreateFromJpeg',
if (function_exists('ImageCreateFromGif')) { $functions['image/gif']
= 'ImageCreateFromGif'; }
$size = getimagesize($infile);
if (!$function = $functions[$size['mime']]) {
return FALSE;
if (!$source_img = @$function($infile)) {
return FALSE;
$save_function = "image" .
// Scale dimensions
list($neww,$newh) = scale_dimensions($size[0],$size[1],$maxw,$maxh,
// Create new image
$new_img = imagecreatetruecolor($neww,$newh);
// Copy and resize image
// Save output file
if ($save_function == 'imagejpeg') {
if (!$save_function($new_img,$outfile,60)) {
return FALSE;
} else {
if (!$save_function($new_img,$outfile)) {
//trigger_error("Unable to save output
return FALSE;
// Cleanup
return TRUE;
// Scales dimensions
function scale_dimensions($w,$h,$maxw,$maxh,$stretch) {
if ((!$stretch) && (($w < $maxw) || (!$maxw)) &&
(($h < $maxh) || (!$maxh))) return array($w,$h);
// Scale Height
if ((!$maxw) || (($h > $w) && ($maxh)) ) {
$newh = $maxh;
$neww = floor($w * $newh /$h);
// Scale width
elseif ((!$maxh) || (($w >= $h) && ($maxw))) {
$neww = $maxw;
$newh = floor($h * $neww / $w);
} else
// Scale neither
return array($w,$h);
return array($neww,$newh);
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