Posted by The Natural Philosopher on 01/25/08 03:06
Sudhakar wrote:
> hi
> i have an enquiry table which collects information about users making
> an online travel enquiry
> the fields in the table are = StoryTitle, EndCity, mode, PricedFrom,
> numAdults, numChildren, numInfants
> presently the select query is
> <?php
> $sql = "SELECT Count(*) as Counts, StoryTitle, EndCity, mode,
> PricedFrom, numAdults, numChildren, numInfants, ReturnLocation FROM
> `enquiry` WHERE date_format(en_date,'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN '" .
> $startDate . "' AND '" . $endDate . "' " . $enquiryText . "
> Group By StoryTitle, EndCity, mode, PricedFrom, numAdults,
> numChildren, numInfants, ReturnLocation
> Order By Counts Desc, StoryTitle Desc, mode, PricedFrom, numAdults,
> numChildren, numInfants, ReturnLocation";
Surely there needs to be something in here to actually GET the data from
the database?
Something like
> while ($row_rs_newEnquiries
> = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_newEnquiries))
> {
> $echoStr .= "
> <tr bgcolor='#ebebeb'
> class='default'><td>".$row_rs_newEnquiries['Counts']."</td>
> <td
> class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['StoryTitle']."</td>
> <td
> class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['EndCity']."</td>
> <td
> class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['mode']."</td>
> <td
> class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['PricedFrom']."</td>
> <td
> class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['numAdults']."</td>
> <td
> class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['numChildren']."</td>
> <td
> class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['numInfants']."</td>
> <td class='default'> <a href=".$row_rs_newEnquiries
> ['ReturnLocation'].">".$row_rs_newEnquiries
> ['ReturnLocation']."</a></td>
> </tr>";
> $total = $total +
> $row_rs_newEnquiries['Counts'];
> }
> $totalamount=$row_rs_newEnquiries['totalvalue'];
> echo "value of total enquiry is $ ". $totalamount;
> ?>
> i have used $totalamount=$row_rs_newEnquiries['totalvalue']; both
> inside the while loop and outside the while loop however this is not
> working.
> here Counts is the column which collects the number of times an
> enquiry was made to a particular city example Sydney however Counts
> DOES NOT exist as a field in the table and PricedFrom collects the
> value of the $ amount to a city and this field exists in the table,
> so multiplying Counts and PricedFrom should give the result
> is the syntax of the select query correct as there is a comma before
> Count(*) & am i reading the value of this multiplied value correctly
> please advice.
> thanks.
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