Posted by Michael Fesser on 09/29/00 12:01
..oO(Willem Bogaerts)
>In effect, there are really two things in MySQL that "have" encodings:
There are at least four: database, table, column, connection. Of course
you can also define a default ecoding for your tables when you create
then. Usually I use ISO-8859-1 as the table default and UTF-8 for the
columns that hold TEXT or (VAR)CHARs.
>On the webserver side, you should do the same. In the htmlentities()
>function, you can pass an encoding.
Most if not all used browsers today support UTF-8, so you don't need
htmlentities() anymore. htmlspecialchars() is more than enough to take
care of the few chars that have a special meaning in HTML, all others
can be written and delivered as-is.
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