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Re: three columns with CSS

Posted by dorayme on 10/22/67 12:01

In article <7nunj.8451$>,
"rf" <> wrote:

> "rf" <> wrote in message
> news:Wwsnj.8401$
> >
> > "A-OK-SITE" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Why would you care,
> >
> > I would care because you are trying to palm off this pdf as usefull
> > information to the OP and to this newsgroup at large.
> Hmmm. I must have offended Mr Site. He appears to have removed his posts in
> this thread from googles archive, picked up his bat and ball and gone home.
> Little does he know that these posts remain on usenet servers around the
> world for months to come :-)

Well that is good because I was getting pretty tired of his
idiotic attacks on people he did not understand.

He was about to be introduced to Jerry Stuckle in my killfile.
And my killfile is not like any other. I have a vast store of
personal experience about these and have found loopholes and
flaws in their design that have enabled me to settle in very
comfortably, to study quietly with all the things one needs for
solitary and productive reflection in them all.

Armed with such experience, I designed my own kf with no
loopholes, no comforts, and terrible plumbing.




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