Posted by Steve on 09/29/09 12:01
"Ivan Marsh" <annoyed@you.now> wrote in message
> On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 16:09:32 -0600, Steve wrote:
>> "Ivan Marsh" <annoyed@you.now> wrote in message
>> news:pan.2008.
>>> On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 14:37:03 -0700, Martin wrote:
>>>> I'm trying to adapt a PHP script that was written to use MySQL, so
>>>> that it will work with an MSAccess MDB file.
>>>> An important part of the script makes use of the SQL "LIMIT" keyword
>>>> available in MySQL. eg: "SELECT MyField FROM MyTable LIMIT 40,10" to
>>>> select 10 records beginning at the 41st record.
>>>> Can anyone tell me how I can achieve this same functionality when
>>>> using ODBC functions to access an MDB file? I think I can set ROWCOUNT
>>>> (or possibly TOP) to retrieve only 10 records but how do I get it to
>>>> start at the 41st record?
>>> You just lost an enormous amount of functionality. I'm assuming this is
>>> something you had to do.
>>> Pull all of the records and then programatically strip out the records
>>> you don't want from the array.
>> are you out of your fucking mind?!!!
> I assure you I'm not... though I don't claim to be Mr. Grand Wizard PHP
> Programmer Guy.
>> yeah, let me pull all the records from my 55 million rowed table into a
>> php array...
> Can you fit 55 million rows in an Access database that's less than 2 gigs?
let me assure you, if you pull even 2MB of data into an array just to
pseudo-query (i.e. removed unwanted data) then you're not using your tools
wisely. the only thing that should be returned from ANY db is *just* the
data you want...nothing more.
>> THEN strip out the unwanted ones from the array. hell, let's just put
>> the records into a text file and pull them from there...build our own
>> php query functionality for the file. while we're at it, we'll run our
>> lil 'query' in a loop. and, for good measure...
> You may very well have to do that. Like I said: You/He just lost an
> enormous amount of functionality.
the answer is, no, we're using the functionality afforded by a db...i.e.
writting good queries. i fail to see how using php to kill off unwanted
records actually *adds* functionality.
>> you've got to be fucking kidding...right?!!!
> No... An Access MDB file would simply be the wrong tool for the job unless
> you're dealing with a very small dataset.
agreed. did i just misunderstand you? the functionality loss is the choice
of db's...not in your array advice? the two seemed to be one cohesive
thought...that's how i took it anyway.
> Without a LIMIT function you have to query for the matching records with
> odbc_exec and then eliminate the unwanted data from the result set or move
> the wanted data to a new array. I don't know of any way of doing it at
> query time... and while I was looking into it when I had to use a dBase
> file as a backend for a project it was apparent that no one else did
> either.
> If you have a run-time solution please share it with the group. I could
> sure use it.
you can surely mimic the functionality. the easiest way is to select into a
temp table where one of the columns is an auto-number...the query then
becomes WHERE blah BETWEEN x AND n.
there are several other ways to skin that cat however.
sorry if i misunderstood you.
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