Posted by Erwin Moller on 09/29/14 12:02
UKuser wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I am currently working on the following to completely replace the <a
> href> tag and all content but its not working:
> $input = "<a href=\"some_random_text.html?tes=hello&str=pol%20\">Text
> here</a>";
> echo ereg_replace('<a href="[A-Za-z0-9._-][&\?=]+">',"", $input);
At first glance:
[A-Za-z0-9._-] is a characterclass, but you forgot the + after it, so it
matches 1 or more times.
Secondly: [&\?=]+ will not match
Wouldn't it be easier to simply try to match:
1) begins with: <a href="
2) then anything
3) ends with: >
in a nongreedy way?
Erwin Moller
> Will keep working on it but if you get there first any help would be
> great.
> Thanks
> A
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