Posted by Matthew Weier O'Phinney on 08/04/05 21:38
* Edwin Barrios <advilprog@gmail.com>:
> i'am developing a web framework SifEngine (Secure Web Inteface
> framework) that implement MVC applaying the security ideas from
> http://phpsec.org. I'am using DomXML, Sqlite, Mcrypt and PostgreSql.
> After of post my development on the internet ( i have been thinking
> to post on PEAR ), i made simple tests of aplications with my
> framework. During the implementation, i used Slackware 10.1 with
> kernel 2.4.29 + php5.0.4 + Apache 1.3.2, with no problems. I didn't
> detect performace problems or segfaults by apache. Then i decided to
> do the same test but with kernel 2.6.10, wating that no problems
> occur. However my expectation, on this new configuration all the
> aplications develped with my framework, had performance issues or in
> the worst situation produce apache forks to be restarted, or a lot of
> apache forks.
> i don't undestand why this occur, i try to use valigrand to verify
> memorie lacks without results.
Are you using __call() or any of the other overloading methods? I had a
situation several months ago where __call() was going into an infinite
loop and causing segfaults. Once I tracked that down and fixed it,
everything worked fine.
Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Zend Certified Engineer
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