Posted by FrankB on 10/10/19 11:23
Onideus Mad Hatter in vere scripsit at
<4oiaf1hf94e3b2h3lfvk3tc9mrokkqvabu@4ax.com> :
> On 6 Aug 2005 23:33:31 GMT, "FrankB" <you.can@request.net> wrote:
> Just as a little side note to Mimic, Reaper and anyone else who
> actually has a clue...keep yer distance, these kooks are MY toys, you
> can have what's left AFTER I get through fucking with them.
>>> No, the THIRTY FUCKIN KILOBYTES of code just magically typed
>>> themselves.
>>> *rolls eyes* Of COURSE it was done in Notepad, what the
>>> fuck else would I have used?
>> A template :)
>> Perl, in CGI :: use HTML or some shebang ? no ?
> There are no templates that could have made that site other than my
> own, Stupid.
Filth :) Troll !
> Or can't your DUMBASS figure out how to look at the
> contents of that .js file?
>>> Hell the fact that it's covered in PNG
>> With Phoootoooship ??? LOL!!
> ...actually I use Paint Shop Pro, you retarded moron. Yeesh, do you
> even KNOW what a PNG file is?
Of course i don't kow, tell me : ____
>>> Go ahead, put up a challenge, Junior,
>>> I'll take on ANY contender...and I'll soundly beat the living fuck out
>>> of them. `, )
>> Here :
>> 1) Jacob Nielsen, an authority on Webpaeg-design-clue-foo.
>> Email him a linkie to your page and post us his reply.
> What are you fucking stupid? Number one, it's Jakob, not Jacob, you
> drooling little moron, second of all he's a fucking moron. He has
> this idea about sacrificing design for the sake of usability which is
> just retarded because if your design isn't worthwhile no one will even
> WANT to use your website in the first place. People LIKE animation,
> people LIKE flash, people LIKE sounds, and widgets, and doo dads, and
> quirky lil qausi futuristic hoo has. If you don't have those things,
> people don't want to look at your sites...granted the 1% of blind
> people on the planet may sing you praises, but you just sacrificed a
> good 75% of your users just for those blind assholes.
All stuff and spew to put on a good blogsite , here :
Go ahead Mattie, run!.
>> 2) get your page validated W3C xHTML1.0 compliant.
> I can do that easily...at the expense of Mac users or at the expense
> of the horizontal and vertical center field design. W3C compliancy
> doesn't gain you anything other than bragging rights, Junior. In fact
> in most cases W3C compliancy will actually result in your sites being
> LESS cross browser compatible. No web browser in existence currently
> supports all of the W3Cs RECOMMENDATIONS...if no browser supports all
> of them, why on earth would you expect websites to support all of
> them?
All stuff and spew to put on a good blogsite , here :
And since you want to play the "artust that rulez it all, add a phorum
your webshit where all can discuss those items.
>>> You're the one who claimed to be using CMS, not me.
>> The salary had all the advantages to have me get a claim to *use* it :)
> In other words you're a sell out...or maybe you're just a fuckin idiot
> and that's a convenient excuse. `, )
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