Posted by Bret Hughes on 10/01/15 11:08
On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 07:54, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
> * Bret Hughes <>:
> > I just wish there was a use strict; sort of deal so I would not have to
> > hunt down logic errors due to mistyping a variable name.
> There is, in PHP5: E_STRICT. From the manual
> (
> Run-time notices. Enable to have PHP suggest changes to your
> code which will ensure the best interoperability and forward
> compatibility of your code.
Hmm. Good tip thanks. chalk up another reason to upgrade to 5.
getting close to haveing enough reasons to do so :)
E_STRICT is closer but still does not warn of assigning to undeclared
variables in or out of a class. bummer.
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