Posted by Michael G on 08/15/05 18:50
"Smitro" <nospam@myh0use.c0m> wrote in message
> Michael G wrote:
> I'm not 100% up with what your trying to do. The If statments should work.
> The only thing that maybe comes to mind is Global Variables for use in
> things like functions etc.
> This may help.
I am used to working with strongly typed languages. I am just trying to find
out what the scoping rules are for php.
Thanks for the link. I've been reading that but it doesn't address my
concerns. It discusses
scope in terms of file (global) and functions but not in terms of construct
scope, such as if
statements, etc. The little snippet of code I presented in the OP just shows
or implies what
the construct scoping rules are for php. I wanted to find something more
explicit than depending
upon an example.
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