Posted by PerfectReign on 11/23/28 11:24
someone posing as Onideus Mad Hatter figured someone gave a rat's ass and
spewed out:
> I think I've developed "the best" means of creating a website. The
> idea is to use a layered approach and to avoid fallbacks (ie
> redundancy) as much as possible.
> The first layer would be the "Display Layer". This would basically be
> the site itself, created wholly using Flash for maximum cross browser
> and cross platform compatibility with absolutely NO room for guess
> work. If it works on your system with Flash it will work on any
> system with Flash. You can't do too much hybrid shit cause then you
> run into cross compatibility issues (like whether Flash transparencies
> will work or not).
> The next layer would be the "Context Layer". It would use RSS to
> describe the site and its contents. The main purpose of this layer
> would be for search engines...I don't know if any search engines are
> setup so they can use RSS in any meaningful way at the moment, but I'm
> sure that's where things are headed (it just makes sense).
> The final layer would be the "Primate Layer", this layer would be
> optional and would consist of just pure text, no tags and no links.
> It would be for the benefit of the .001% of the population whose like
> still using 386 computers, or outdated blind people software that
> couldn't read RSS tags or weird kooky freaky people who have
> everything disabled because they think the space ship is going to come
> down and get them or whatever (ie Lynx users). It would also serve to
> help primitive search engines like Google.
> So the new Backwater Site will be delayed for about a week or so while
> I start to implement this new design theory. The final version is
> going to look something like this (only all in Flash):
> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_test_platform/bw3/
> (touch the frog with your mouse, its funny)
Know what? Matt might have an idea here.
I think I'll do this on one of my sites. Instead of putting all my code and
markup in one page, I'll separate it.
How's this, folks?
1. All HTML and Javascript go into pages rendered by the browser. (I might
call this the presentation layer.)
2. All Database commands and queries will go into a compiled application
running on an app server, called by the web pages. (I'll call this the,
um, data layer.)
3. All business logic - such as which databases (DB2/IMS/MSSQL/Oracle) - or
which employee calculations happen, or which building lookups - should go
inta another series of compiled applications on the same (or different)
application server. (I'll call this the 'business logic' layer.) In fact,
for speed, maybe I'll put these compiled apps on the new zOS server.
Hey, that sounds cool! What does everybody think?
linux - genuine windows replacement part
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