Posted by Jordan Miller on 08/22/05 17:16
Did you try html_entity_decode?
You may want to combine this with mysql_real_escape_string()...?
On Aug 22, 2005, at 8:29 AM, Jay Paulson wrote:
> I have a problem that I'm sure some of you have run into before,
> therefore I hope you all know of an easy solution. Some of my
> users are cutting and pasting text from Word into text fields that
> are being saved into a database then from that database being
> displayed on a web page. The problem occurs when some special
> characters are being used. Double quotes, single quotes, and other
> characters like accents etc have the special html code like "e;
> etc replacing the special characters. What methods are being used
> to combat this issue? Is there a solution out there to run text
> through some sort of filter before submitting it to the database to
> look for these special characters and then replacing them?
> Thanks for any help,
> Jay
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