Posted by "Richard Lynch" on 08/23/05 09:00
On Mon, August 22, 2005 12:56 pm, Chirantan Ghosh wrote:
> //////////////[snip]
>> You probably want to move into the relm of array's. For each one of
>> your
>> checkboxes, you can do this...
>> <input type="checkbox" name="InterestedNumber[]"
>> value="1-877-HOMECASH">
> /////////////[/snip]
> I did look up ARRAY. I just didn't understand how I can insert a
> table(
> "InterestedNumber") in an arrey so I could put something like this for
> form
> processing:
> ------------------------------------------------------
> <?
> foreach($HTTP_GET_VARS as $indx => $value) {
> ${$indx}=$value;
> }
> foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS as $indx => $value) {
> ${$indx}=$value;
> }
If you are going to do this, you might as well just turn
register_globals back "On"
You've got the SAME security problem -- You just are doing it to
yourself instead of letting PHP do it to you.
> if($sendmessage == "yes"){
> $mailBody .= "SelectedNumber: $SelectedNumber\n"; //////I am
> thinking this
> is where I should put the Array??/////
$mailBody .= "SelectedNumbers:\n";
$mailBody .= implode("\n", $InterestedNumbers);
> $mailBody .= "Comments: $comments\n\n\n";
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