Posted by Jay Paulson on 08/23/05 22:49
This is pretty cool stuff! This is compiled code for Windows only so
no source is available? Therefore, making it so that people can't view
your source?
> Damn... you said those words "cross platform".. But I'll still take
> this opportunity to plug Winbinder again. If you're just working
> with a Windows platform, Winbinder has it all! Fantastic interface,
> very self contained, just a great PHP standalone/app/etc extension all
> around.
> Eh.. check it out anyway. :)
> http://www.hypervisual.com/winbinder/
> -TG
> = = = Original message = = =
> Hi there,
> I am going to take that chance now to ask if it is viable to create a
> standalone app with php and gtk+, fully realizing that this IS the php
> list
> ;-)
> I was thinking of php/gtk+ because I need that as a cross-platform
> application. What I really would like is to have .rpm's and .exe's
> created,
> so one can include them in the OS startup. Is this possible at all
> with php?
> Has anyone worked with php to create standalone apps?
> I essentially want to be able to auto update and synchronize a local
> xml
> based database with an online one (ok, plus doing some viewing and
> creating
> of reports, and so on, and so forth . )
> Alternatives could be: mono, qt (arrgh), mozilla/xul (any done that?)
> or
> Java :-( .
> Any thoughts on that?
> Thomas
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